[BOOK|MOBI] Fog: A Collection of Backscatter
Dating > Fog: A Collection of Backscatter
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Dating > Fog: A Collection of Backscatter
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Other instrument-based methods for measuring turbidity include: light attenuation, surface scatter, and backscatter 19. Laser settings include the laser repetition rate which controls the data collection speed. Government assumes no liability for the use of the information contained in this document.
The ground-based heating system consisted of 213 liquid propane burners arranged in four lines perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction. Across methods, the differences in light sources play the biggest role in non-comparability, though photodetector material and instrument design in general also play a role 11,16. The Interrogator receives the backscatter modulated signal, and performs Homodyne detection to produce I and Q signals. Department of Defense DoD Issuances current and cancelled , Joint Staff and other U.
Family - As the light beam travels nearly the same distance to either of these photodetectors, the effects of color in the water sample will cancel mathematically 11,16. Some sensors are more accurate at low turbidity levels, while others offer the ability to measure a wide turbidity range.