[BOOK|FB2] Enchanted Immortals
Dating > Enchanted Immortals
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Dating > Enchanted Immortals
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Thomas went to the door and closed it with his foot. He had always admired Mr. Immediately, the liquid started to thin out and turn aqua-colored.
His father had taught him to work hard, but with the Depression a not-so-distant memory, work was still scarce. Relocated to Portland, Oregon, he and his associates, Jonathan and Kathryn, have been granted Immortality by a group of sylphs belonging to the Zie Council — lead by their queen, Malina — who possess an elixir called Enchantment.
Join Kobo & start eReading today - Of course, his father would not know he was there, as his parents assumed Thomas had died years ago, never returning from a bike messenger job.
What was once a simple life has turned into a very long life for vampyre Pascal Theroux. The initial loneliness, along with the obsession of not being able to walk in the sun, begins to consume him. When he and his mate, Angel, finally resign themselves to the fact that they will forever be confined by the night, they figure out a way to create a clan of sun-resistant vampires to do their dirty work for Enchanted Immortals />But is Angel really on his side anymore? While the Immortals, including newbie Dr. Tyler James, learn to hone in new skills and perfect their old ones, they also prepare for the trial of Seth and Malachi, who are imprisoned on the Island. The news the shapeshifters deliver during their trial, though, has the power to alter the history books. Reviews Terms and Conditions: Writing and submitting a Review: Your review must be in your own words, and no more than 60 words - be concise! Please, no abusive comments or bad language, and remember, this is not a site to advertise, solicit or sell - it's all about recommendations. Whilst we encourage visitors from abroad to submit recommendations of their own Enchanted Immortals Finds, please ensure you submit in English, thanks. Submission of a review does not automatically guarantee your review will be published.